Saturday, January 8, 2011


heres a lil poem im sure most of you'v read.

 A gust of wind, the click of heels,
So this is how the nighttime feels.
Slam of door close behind
Out of sight, and out of mind.
Onto the street tonight we dare
Taking the risk for some fresh air.
Past the alley, mind drifts on
To days and nights from times long gone.
Past and present, old and new,
Sometimes it's all the same to you.
And so you walk, by memory made blind
To what is sneaking up behind.
A flash of teeth; a painted smile,
A flash of blade; a move hostile.
A voice demands, in raspy tones,
To give up everything you own.
But not your cash or credit cards,
Or things the normal miser guards,
But things more irreplaceable
That make the crime less traceable.
He wants your friends and family
He'll leave you just with memory.
He takes away the things you'll miss
The most; the memories of bliss.
Of happinesses long gone by,
That made you laugh and made you cry.
And though he takes the bad times, too
You find it's all the same to you.
And as you surrender the things you prize
You see your life before your eyes.
Perhaps the single most painful fact
Is that you'll never get it back.
He stole your past and present, yet
He's given something back- regret.
But a moment later, he is gone.
You sigh and trudge away, alone.
You're the victim of a common crime
You, sir, have been robbed... by Time.


  1. Nice pome.

    Welcome to the blogworld. Hope it does as much for you as it has for me. Cheers!

  2. Ive read it's awesome! have always been a fan of your writing...glad ure into it again! Remember that poem I wrote about you for you Kd? :P lol...I cant believe my stupidity! hehehe!

  3. @Lakshmi, you should post that poem here. :D

  4.!!!deep and profound...
