Thursday, June 27, 2013

After a while ...

After a while you learn 
The Subtle difference between
Holding a hand and chaining a soul
And you learn that love doesn't mean leaning
And company doesn't always mean security

And you begin to learn 
That kisses aren't contracts
And presents aren’t promises 
And you begin to accept your defeats
With your head up and eyes ahead
With the grace of a woman
Not the grief of a child

And you learn 
To build all your roads on today 
Because tomorrows ground is too uncertain 
Is too uncertain for plans
And futures have a way 
Of falling down in mid flight 

After a while you learn 
That even sunshine burns if you get too much 
So you plant your own garden 
And decorate your own soul 
Instead of waiting
For someone to bring you flowers

And you learn 
That you really can endure: 
That you are really strong 

And you really do have worth
And you learn and you learn

With every good bye you learn.

Do soul mates exist??
Or are we just a bunch  of people who are conditioned to believe in the concept of codependence and hence convince ourselves that they do?
Whos to say that a connection once felt between 2 individuals is going to be a sustained connection, or should we just take comfort in the fact that feelings just like everything else in the world are also momentary, and all we do is convince ourselves either for or against.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Shadow and the Light
As you travel down the road to the place you long to go,
There are potholes, and detours, that impede the traffic flow.
But, you can learn to get around these obstacles you meet --
It’s the shadows you encounter that are hardest to defeat.
Though shadows come from nowhere, there are many different kinds.
Some are puppets of the light; and some are in our minds.
But, all are dark by nature, with a tendency to scare.
They lurk around a corner and leap when you get there.
In your imagination, just as in shifting light,
They change their shape, increase their size, and haunt you late at night.
And, just when you’ve escaped the long reach of one’s net,
Another one sneaks up on you and gives you cause to fret.
It traps you in its web and sticks to you like glue;
It’s murky composition can camouflage what’s true.
And, standing in that shadow, can block you from the sight,
That just a step or two away, the light is shining bright.
Remember that these shadows have an artificial lair;
When you cast a light upon them, there’s really nothing there.
A shadow has no substance; it occupies no space.
When trying to confront it, there’s nothing there to face.
But, if you need a weapon to joust with this old foe,
There’s one at your disposal-- you haven’t far to go.
For, escaping from the shadows is easiest, by far,
If you simply look inside you for the light of who you are.

A poem i think is worth sharing...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Grain Of Salt

Circumstances recount,
The days of yore--
Many a tale doth told,
Most all fable or,
Simple folk lore...
If we put complete value--
Upon everything 'tis said,
We would probably loose our minds,
And go completely out of our heads! 

Friday, January 14, 2011

the luxury of Indian television viewing!

I wonder if it’s just me (it almost always is!) or has TV viewing these days become er…. How do I put it….rather…. Deciding what to watch on TV has become a somewhat daunting task.
I don’t mean to exaggerate here but, I DO have a tough time trying to decide what it is I’d rather have …my faith in -conjugal/courtship relationships shattered, expectations in family crushed, or look forward to live in the pure anticipation of parenthood!

If u don’t believe me let me illustrate the various dilemma’s I face, on a daily basis, but mind u I AM an optimist so I would like to call these( musings of mine) as strong and justifiable Reasons why today’s television makes u a stronger person!

Welcome to the foray of reality television ….where you will be exposed to

  • Couples canoodling (and dipping their wicks into apparently willing pants) with partners other then who they are supposedly committed to.
……Builds character for the victim and the victor …!

  •  A roomful of losers in their own fields who decide to stay in a house and fight over the most ridiculously “important” things.
  ….again builds character and strengthens interpersonal skills of the people involved, as they’ve been out of public attention for SO long, that they need it!

  • A kid who decides after 15yrs of being with his folks “hmm schools boring …tried drugs, alcohol and sex…nothings doin it, Wait-a-minute (light bulb moment) lets replace the PARENTS, they are the guys who are clearly stunting my growth (pun intended)!!
……..I cannot stress this enough! Builds character of poor unwitting parents who are faced with new and improved tyrants to deal with.

  • Random useless bloke signs up to (make an ass of himself) dating show in quest (THAT’S what keeps us going!) of finding a suitable mate to conoodle with temporarily after which he will be featured on the above mentioned series as a “comeback”
……goes to portray how much today’s youth will do to (get laid) find true love!

  • Bunch of couples thrown on Goan beach to harass poor tourists and dress in the attire…shards of it, actually, whilst frolicking around performing “tasks” all the while either ditching one another on being given the choice of love / cash.
……builds bank balance!

  • Woman fighting with other women in the family for attention of the one and only, centre of the universe the “man” this could be wife and sister in law, wife and mother in law, sisters in laws, co sisters  etc etc …
……Helps us learn words such as “bua, phuphi , nanand “ etc , builds vocabulary and illuminates how Not to do make up.

  • 15 contestants vie to sit on the “hot-seat” and answer difficult questions posed by a legendary actor, but wait! That’s not all, The audience also gets a shot at making a million, by sms’ing answers (at 10rs a piece), to a given number resulting in all those involved in the production house winning millions!
…..increases general knowledge and the typing ability of sms participants enabling them to be potential competitors IF a competition were to be staged on quick typing

  • Random , good looking ,apparently family oriented millionaire seeking heiress, with an advert like that you’d obviously get a fair few responses, 25 catty women “falling in love with” millionaire ,and he, after getting lucky with 3 of them, chooses none to marry.
…….helps us realize bachelor has cuter brother who’s now dating 3 out of the 25 women who were trying to marry the brother, re-instills “faith” in idea of love.

Apart from these the other options are limitless……..from reruns from a bygone era, Government Scams, Local area news (who farted in which part of town and which local corporator took immediate action), etc etc

Such is the luxury of Indian television!
HA ha! To all those who moved outta the country and cant afford cable there!! Who’s laughing now!